2020 UPDATE: The Learn by Doing series is now offered the first Wednesday each month.
If you want to improve your Associative Remote Viewing skills, check out APPI’s free “Learn by Doing” webinar series, said Marty Rosenblatt, APPI president.
This online class is offered on Wednesdays from 9-11:30 a.m. Pacific Time (noon-2:30 p.m. Eastern, 5-7:30 p.m. GMT). The Applied Precognition Project Institute (APPI) is a nonprofit foundation approved in February 2016.
The latest webinar featured “Focus on Feedback,” starting with feedback on a prediction made Jan. 4, 2017, during the series’ first webinar. The outcome was a “hit,” with six of eight viewers using ARV in a double-blind fashion to correctly predict the Dow Jones would not be over 21,000 on Feb. 8.
Currently the targets chosen for the webinar practice sessions are events that will occur at least a month in the future. Send your specific suggestions for Yes/No sports and financial predictions to marty@p-i-a.com
Some of the “learn-by-doing” topics have included wise wagering, remote viewing, and judging and analysis. Recordings of the webinars are posted under the tab, FREE PAST WEBINARS, on this website (www.appliedprecog.com)
The Applied Precognition Project (APP) officially began in December 2012 with the mission to “publicly explore, research and apply logic and intuition/emotion to predict future outcomes, enabling participants to evolve personally while contributing to the elevation of global consciousness.”
Another way to learn ARV is to join Marty and other experts June 22-25 at the APP 2017 Conference-Workshop-Webinar in Las Vegas. Find out more HERE.