Marshall Farris

Marshall started ARV after reading The Premonition Code and training with Robert Monroe's Stargate Protocol. A college buddy and longtime friend, William Stickevers (world-renowned Mundane Astrologer), challenged him to pursue ARV. Although he has yet to remain consistently above 62%, he peaked above 80% RV success and has logged over 500 sessions. He currently helps select possible photo target pairs for APP.
Marshall has also been a student of the Learning Strategy's Paraliminal approach to therapy and developing insight. He developed ARV and Binary RV protocols and is very interested in the Collective Conscience and Energia.
He believes the first recorded name of God in Hebrew, Elohim, is the Collective Director as well as the Collective itself.
A retired Army OCS Officer, Marshall served four combat tours, supporting the Land Commander for each.
He's been a mystic Messianic Christian most of his adult life, meaning he believes in the Bible AND many of the mystic books, as well as specific astrological approaches.